Blue-Gold 1

Game -1, Blue Gold one

20 August at Saint Thomas Aquinas 

Our first blue gold match will differ greatly from the one coming up Tuesday. Here we had the straight JV roster playing the varsity roster after our parent meeting. So, varsity should win, now should they win 7-0 in 60 minutes—maybe not.

JV was missing two of their better center midfielders in Weinberg and Zinkus; however, the varsity was missing starting back Bjorseth. Our shorter scrimmages at the end of practices had stayed fairly close—this one no.

Kitts takes the pass from Young

Liam heads in the Kitts baseline cross.

Kitts heads in the Welsh corner.

Young scores on the Muckerman thread

Kitts completes the hat trick from Weisner

Taborda finishes the ball off the post

Fleming scores of Leiker's shot off the post


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